Rubles and Ramblings

Rubles and Ramblings

Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to Survive in Russia: An American Girl's Guide

After living in St. Petersburg for 3 months, I’d say I have a pretty good handle on Russian life.  So here are the necessary steps you must take to ensure your survival in Mother Russia and blend in like a pro! 

Step 1: Don’t Smile.  You know the phrase “turn that frown upside down?” Yeah, do the opposite.
Step 2: If you’re a girl, put on a pair of stilettos.  If you’re a guy, put on a fur hat…‘nuff said.
Step 3:  Pour sour cream on everything.  Eating soup?  Sour cream.  Blini?  Sour cream.  Dumplings? Sour cream.  The answer is always sour cream.
Step 4:  Wear your winter coat everywhere.  You never know when its gonna snow!  (To give you a real life example, it snowed this morning and it's April 23rd)
Step 5: Read Pushkin & Dostoyevsky.  Russians love their Russian literature and will defend its honor to their death.
Step 6:  Get a cat and love it forever. **Bonus points if you talk about said cat at least 3 times a day.

With these steps, I guarantee you will survive The Motherland…You’re welcome. 
*Actual results from following this 6-step guide*

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